Data Controller

Studio Geotecnico Italiano S.r.l. (“Company”)

Centro Direzionale Milanofiori, Strada 2, Palazzo C, Scala C3, 20057 Assago (MI)

Tax Code and Milano Monza Brianza Lodi Enterprise Registry Code 00506080019

R.E.A. MI691783 – VAT Code 11261240151

Phone 02 5220141 -


Processed Personal Data

Internet Use (also see: Cookie Policy)

  • Objective of data processing:
    • Allowing the correct operation of the services provided by the Company's website
    • Obtain anonymous statistical information on use of website
  • Legal basis of data processing: Legitimate Interest (Website Management)
  • Data conservation period: see cookie policy

At the end of the data conservation periods, data will be destroyed, eliminated or anonymised.


Mandatory Monitoring of Data

Data processing is necessary to guarantee the services provided by the website.


Data Processors

The data may be processed by autonomous external organisations such as authorities and surveillance and monitoring bodies. Data may be processed by autonomous third parties through the installation of analytical and/or profiling cookies. For further information: see Cookie Policy.
Data may be processed, on behalf of the Company, by external parties designated to manage data with adequate instructions. These parties are essentially included in the following categories:

  1. Companies providing services required for the objectives indicated in this document (IT suppliers);
  2. Companies providing support for the market studies and statistical analyses.


Parties Authorised to Process Data

Data may be processed by company staff, pursuing the objectives indicated above, who has been duly authorised to process that data and who have received adequate instructions.


Transfer of Personal Data to Non-EU Countries

Data may be transferred outside of the European Union (see Cookie Policy).


Rights of the interest Subject - Complaint to the Supervisory Authority

By contacting Privacy Department at Centro Direzionale Milanofiori, Strada 2, Palazzo C, Scala C3, 20057 Assago (Milan - Italy) or via e-mail at privacy@studiogeotecnico.itmay request access to the data concerning them and demand the erasure of said data, the correction of inexact data, the integration of incomplete data and the limitation of data processing as established by GDPR Art. 18, as well as opposing the processing of data in case of legitimate interest by data subject.
Moreover, if the data processing is based on consent and is carried out with automated tools, data subjects have the right to receive the data in structured format commonly used, easily legible format by an automatic device and, if technically feasible, said data may be freely transmitted to a third party.
Data subjects also have the right to revoke consent, at any moment, provided for marketing and/or profiling objectives, as well as to deny the treatment of data for marketing objectives, including profiling related to direct marketing.
Data subjects have the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority in the member state in which they reside or work, or in the member state in which the claimed violation occurred.


Assago (Milan, Italy), 31st January 2024