An active and dynamic community
Ongoing training is one of the main reasons for Studio Geotecnico Italiano’s vitality and dynamism. Plenty of effort and investment goes into the staff’s technical training, making sure they are kept up-to-date with the international regulations of different countries. By publishing the results of research projects, organising educational activities, and taking part in committees and teams of experts, Studio Geotecnico Italiano actively contributes to development and research in the field of engineering.

A historic academic collaboration
Intensive in-house training takes the form of constant interaction with the academic world, regular in-house seminars, involvement in international conferences and courses, and writing scientific publications.
Organised activities are supported by a natural inclination to keep constantly up-to-date by spontaneous setting up work teams and through a natural inclination to share knowledge and work together within the company.
A strong culture
While constantly updating its library, Studio Geotecnico Italiano also constantly invests in specialist computation programs and technical software, which, together with the extensive bibliographical resources, are one of the main means of keeping staff up-to-date.
Studio Geotecnico Italiano also works with software manufacturers to develop new programs and improve existing software.
The commitment to spread geotechnical culture is in the company’s DNA and it has always focused on reinvesting its profits in the company for the purposes of professional growth and development.
A company based around people, professionalism and passion
Studio Geotecnico Italiano is a dynamic business environment full of talented people. The company currently employs 35 people who all feel a great sense of responsibility and belonging; they are highly motived, ethically-minded, have a keen awareness of confidentiality and are determination to improve; a large pool of miscellaneous resources for the industry, which translates into a competitive edge in terms of reliability and competence at the client’s service as part of a flexible and integrated business approach.

Scientific documentation centre
Studio Geotecnico Italiano’s extensive technical background is mirrored by its library: one of the most extensive, high-quality collections of international geotechnical documents (over 8000 publications and all the most important geotechnical journals from when they were first published) constantly supplemented and updated with writings, reports, studies, conferences, journals, regulations and articles from international magazines.