Scientific documentation centre

Studio Geotecnico Italiano’s extensive technical background is mirrored by its library: one of the most extensive, high-quality collections of international geotechnical documents (over 8000 publications and all the most important geotechnical journals from when they were first published) constantly supplemented and updated with writings, reports, studies, conferences, journals, regulations and articles from international magazines.

A prestigious source of pride

A key work tool for constantly updating technicians, the Scientific Documentation Centre (SDC), managed by internal staff, is a prestigious source of pride for Studio Geotecnico Italiano. Consulting its resources provides constant input for the in-house growth of the entire team of people working for the company.


An active and dynamic community

Ongoing training is one of the main reasons for Studio Geotecnico Italiano’s vitality and dynamism. Plenty of effort and investment goes into the staff’s technical training, making sure they are kept up-to-date with the international regulations of different countries. By publishing the results of research projects, organising educational activities, and taking part in committees and teams of experts, Studio Geotecnico Italiano actively contributes to development and research in the field of engineering.


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