A company based around people, professionalism and passion

Studio Geotecnico Italiano is a dynamic business environment full of talented people. The company currently employs 35 people who all feel a great sense of responsibility and belonging; they are highly motived, ethically-minded, have a keen awareness of confidentiality and are determination to improve; a large pool of miscellaneous resources for the industry, which translates into a competitive edge in terms of reliability and competence at the client’s service as part of a flexible and integrated business approach.

over 60 years of experience

Historical company with over 60 years of experience, yet young, Studio Geotecnico Italiano is increasingly focused on young people with all their enthusiasm and drive.
The team, who come from leading Italian and foreign universities, is driven by genuine team spirit as part of a shared vision focused on growth, development and passing on knowledge.
The path ahead was first indicated with such magnificent clarity by the company’s founder, Professor Michele Jamilkowski, who has always focused on this positive and stimulating business philosophy
Keeping constantly technically-scientifically up-to-date is also guaranteed by close and constant relations with the academic world, universities and international research institutes.
Professor Ezio Faccioli, former tenured professor of seismic engineering at Milan Polytechnic and a world-renowned expert, leads the seismic engineering department.



Corporate culture is based on the values of ethical action and integrity

Studio Geotecnico Italiano carries out its operations in accordance with proper, transparent ethical behaviours and principles in complete accordance with law.
Corporate culture is based on the values of ethical action and integrity and it is the moral duty of everybody working for the company to behave properly to protect the company’s reputation, fully aware that the actions of an individual always impacts on the company’s image.
Studio Geotecnico Italiano has adopted a Management Organisation and Control Model in accordance with Legislative Decree 231/2001 and its own Behavioural Code that sets the guidelines for the behaviour of all staff and business partners above and beyond laws and corporate procedures.


Senior Project Managers


Project Managers


Engineers and

Design Geologists


CAD Designers


General Services and

Administration staff


Total staff


An active and dynamic community

Ongoing training is one of the main reasons for Studio Geotecnico Italiano’s vitality and dynamism. Plenty of effort and investment goes into the staff’s technical training, making sure they are kept up-to-date with the international regulations of different countries. By publishing the results of research projects, organising educational activities, and taking part in committees and teams of experts, Studio Geotecnico Italiano actively contributes to development and research in the field of engineering.


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